Waiting is so hard!
And waiting on the unknown is even harder!
You have all been wonderful and finally we can give offer a little information to our wonderful campers, parents and staff!
COVID-19 guidelines are changing rapidly but by May 15 we think we will be able to give you a summer schedule!
May 15 we also hope to have a new spring date for SSS and Mother-Son.
The camp payment due date will be June 1.
We wish we could provide more definitive information but we can assure you that we are in constant contact with all the appropriate officials and other camps in Texas.
This is one of the most gorgeous springs in the Hill Country and we are so anxious to get camp underway!
If anticipation truly makes something more meaningful, the summer of 2020 should be the best yet for Stewart – and after 96 summers that is saying something!
The Ragsdales