Leadership Development Program

Camp Stewart's Leadership Development Program is a personal Leadership development program for boys 15 years of age and older.

It is a summer course of practical leadership application, work and study especially for boys who may want to become counselors in the future years.

The LT program is designed to have positive carry-over at home, at school, in the community and later life.

The focus of the program is on both the individual and team effort. It is to encourage young men to accept responsibility and become more effective, knowledgeable leaders.

Learning is through activities that include discussion, observation, participation and assuming an increasing amount of responsibility in the day-to-day camp operation.

Hopefully, the end result is more mature young man who understands the finer subtleties of being a good camp counselor, exhibiting responsibility, patience, tolerance; kindness; respect for others; honesty, self-discipline; humility; value of working with others; reverence for God, fellow man and the environment- plus a respect for physical labor.


The program requires two regular full term sessions. Participants, referred to as Leadership Trainees, begin the program at age 15-17. They pay full camper fee during the first year and half camper fee during the second year. (They are trainees and may not represent themselves as counselors.)

The participant must demonstrate:

  • Excellent character and integrity
  • Desire to work with boys and be a positive example to them
  • Ability to work with and get along with others
  • Passion for organized camping
  • Attendance at Camp Stewart for at least one regular full term prior to application
  • A good camper reputation
  • Strong desire for excellence and dependability at camp as well as at home, in school and in the community as a Trainee and later as a counselor
  • Complete cooperation, in letter and in spirit, with the camp, the camp policies, purposes and programs, including the camp's arbitrary rules of neatness, appearance and dress
  • Willingness to work diligently in camp at any job- including the "hard and frequently dirty" tasks
  • Cooperation and backing from the parents for the training program in its work concept.